What is LiMo 4 Platform?

The Linux based LiMo 4 Platform delivers complete middleware and base application functionality. LiMo 4 makes broad use of the leading open source technologies and is positioned to support the realisation of openness and choice within mobile consumer propositions.

The has selected Linux as the core technology for the Platform due to its rich functionality, scalability and excellent record of success within mobile embedded systems, the scope to easily cross-platformize with other categories such as consumer electronics and automotive, and the potential to engage the large community of Linux developers into the mobile arena.

The key technologies within LiMo 4 include a flexible and poweful user interface, extended widget libraries, 3D window effects, advanced multimedia, social networking and location based service frameworks, sensor frameworks, multi-tasking and multi-touch capabilities. In addition, support for scalable screen resolution and consistent APIs means that the platform can deliver a consistent user experience across a broad range of device types and form factors.

LiMo 4 is designed to be hardware independent so that companies that create LiMo-powered handsets have the flexibility to choose any hardware solution to meet their needs.

LiMo 4 makes extensive use of best of breed technologies from leading open source projects. LiMo's Open Source Policy also promotes strong bilateral engagement with these projects in the interests of maintenance efficiency and market access for future open source innovation. It is planned that LiMo 4 code will become available for public download from July.